Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Fulani antics before conquest

 When the Fulani wanted to conquer the Hausa states, they used the lies that the Hausa were not true Muslims. That the Hausa Kings were corrupt. The Hausa masses believed the lies of the Fulani and to date they remain slaves of the Fulani. The Fulani have stolen their land, killed their Kings and continue to steal their resources. 

Lesson whenever a Fulani is speaking about corruption, know that he's about to carry out some weapons grade corruption.

If their was a prize for the most corrupt people in Africa, its likely the Fulani would win top prize. Just look at colonial enterprise Nigeria for evidence  

The point of this post is that our people of the South are being played. Tinubu is accused of corruption, Obi is accused of corruption. Instead of to focus on the king of corruption, Decree 24 of 1999, our people are busy attacking each others principals. Atiku the grandfather of corruption has stolen more than a person can spend in 7  lifetimes according to his old boss yet nothing. The sons of Danfodio are laughing at you all.

As a Yoruba Nationalist, just further evidence that we will have separate sovereign states, peaceful prosperous nations.


Credit Arabirin Sola 

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