Sunday, December 11, 2022



Never existed as a separate Irunmole among the Yoruba Pantheon, it is venerated under Ogun energy,   called 'Ogun Agbejo' which Is also called Damballa.  

Ogun Agbejokorun is celebrated in the month of Agemo' in some parts of Yoruba land like Igbomina, some areas in Idanre, Abeokuta, Ikire and so on. Sadly enough this practice is dying out over time, and with it the important knowledge which it holds. 

The month of 'Agemo' celebrates the renewal of fertility in Nature. 

During a dance among the worshippers,  snakes symbolize the umbilical cord which connects all humans to Mother Earth. The great deity of formidability and mysteries, intertwining snakes around their neck, is an annual ritual connecting one’s soul to Mother Earth . It is to be reborn, and Osumare is worshiped as the guardian of mysteries of birth and regeneration. Custodian of the creation wisdom and hidden secrets of the beginning. 

A healer and an herbalist patron. The Rainbow has always been the sign of an accepted annual celebration.  

Quite a number of farmers release this ' Irunmole ' to crawl into their farms,  the result of which has always been marvelous. 

Osumare feeds on the life force of the wicked,  and destroys evil. While Ogunda Meji channels the normal energy of Ogun, Iwori Meji is the Odu of Osumare’s birth. 

Two Kolanuts, gin, perfume, Okusu Aro and so on are Osumare’s offerings. 

Hence it becomes a taboo for Ogun devotees to consume snake!

written by 'The Mystics Lodge'

Iya Niko Titilare

Arabinrin Sola 

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