Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Aworis in Lagos

 Awori land stretches from Ota to Yewa.

In the colonial trading post they call Nigeria, non Awori Yorubas have been running our affairs.  Not completely their fault as for many years the Awori did not have the expertise however even when they were able those from other parts of Yorubaland ensured political power stayed in their hands. They have done such a bad job that the Awori masses are sinking in poverty with many fled and fleeing overseas.

Pictures going up and down of visitors from the East  contesting elections in Yorubaland.

Blame the excuse that passes for politicians in Yorubaland, it's the natural next step that foreigners would now use Nigeria to seize what belongs to others.

Its further evidence that the Yoruba will leave Nigeria.  Today its Awori land of Eko tomorrow it will be Ijebu land,  Okun land.etc 

Land is life and life is land, a  people without land are nothing. 



Credit Arabirin Sola 

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