Saturday, December 10, 2022

The unobscured Kalinago territory

 …in 1493, Christopher Columbus landed in Dominica with his men and his ships in search of gold and fortune. To his dismay, he found only rivers, rich volcanic soil, mountains and the Caribs (now called the Kalinago. There are only 3000  Kalinago today who remember who they are after years of brutal treatment by the Spanish, French and English. They live in eight villages on the East Coast of Dominica. Collectively, these villages are called the Kalinago Territory. The Kalinago have their own chief and also a representative in the house of assembly. They tend to keep to themselves and their culture has remained very much unchanged compared to other areas of the island. 

The Kalinago use 300 different herbs for medicine -- some of the best bush doctors hail from the Territory and their dances, traditions, legends, and beliefs have been kept alive by the elders who pass on these traditions through story-telling.  RE-member!

Jahkia Tuareg

Arabinrin Sola

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