Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Yorùbá native Glass industry


The Yorùbá native Glass industry is thousands of years old. The Glasses manufactured by our ancestors were built using different materials and methodologies from their Greek and Chinese counterparts at the time.
Igbó Olókun site, Ilẹ̀ Ifẹ̀ is still turning out great archaeological artefacts pointing to an advanced industrial age long before the Arabs' influence and the following Europeans'.
Remember how long we spent being irrelevant in the global music scene while our Artistes were faking American accent and rapping to the high heavens? Guess what happened when we injected our true identity into our art...
Remember: We will never beat them at being them. We are who we are.
#Ilẹ̀Ifẹ̀ #Ọ̀yọ́túnjí, #Ẹkímògún #Ọ̀yọ́Aláàfin #Ìjẹ̀bú #Yorùbá

Credit @ The Yoruba
These are the industries to revise in a separate sovereign Yoruba nation.

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