Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mutabaruka; Dis Poem

Dis poem, shall speak of the wretched sea
That washed ships to these shores
Of mothers cryin' for their young swallowed up by the sea
Dis poem shall say nothin' new
Dis poem shall speak of time
Time unlimited time undefined
Dis poem shall call names
Names like Lumumba, Kenyatta, Nkrumah
Hannibal, Akenaton, Malcolm, Garvey, Haile Selassie
Dis poem is vexed about apartheid, rascism, fascism
The Klu Klux Klan riots in Brixton Atlanta, Jim Jones
Dis poem is revoltin' against first world second world
Third world division man made decision
Dis poem is like all the rest
Dis poem will not be amongst great literary works
Will not be recited by poetry enthusiasts
Will not be quoted by politicians nor men of religion
Dis poem s knives bombs guns blood fire
Blazin' for freedom, yes dis poem is a drum
Ashanti, Mau Mau, Ibo Yoruba, Nyahbingi warriors
Uhuru uhuru, uhuru Namibia,
Uhuru Soweto, uhuru Afrika

Friday, May 7, 2021

Nigeria : A country without a Leader ,Who is the "Presidency" in Nigeria ?



No one takes Buhari serious anymore, The Nigerian masses have seen the double standard in governance and are disinterested in the unity of Nigeria, there has been violent clashes between the Igbo Region and the Nigerian forces, as Police stations and military Check-points are being attacked on daily basis, recently Nigeria across board

passed a vote of no confidence on the Buhari Led administration for his monumental failures, the growing concern for the abuse and the misrule of Nigerian President is rising as the former military dictator has not changed his old dictatorial tactics

In recent times, there has been calls for Buhari to address the Nigerian people to ascertain his mental health which is doubtful, The Man at the seat of Power in Nigeria is said to be in a worst state of dementia and is being hidden away from the Masses, Buhari who has not made any remarkable public statement was disgraced in a protest by the Nigerian community in London in a recent health visit as he is wont to do.

The role of the special aide of the Nigerian President Garba Sheu has raised doubts in every quarters as statement from Buhari are caricatured with The tag of “Presidency” these has been the pattern and tricks of Lulling the masses into thinking Buhari is still in Charge of Nigeria It is has become evident 

that Garba Sheu is acting in his stead and the masses are calling on Buhari to address the insecurity by a Presidential speech which has not been made in about two Years

The secrecy of the Nigerian government has become incurable even in the face of viable modern technology, every attempt to expose the archaic style of tyranny in Nigeria is being denied

The President aide has been doing his dirty Jobs of image laundry, The Likes of Garba Sheu , Femi Adeshina, Lai Mohammad, Lauretta Onochie and several others

The vacuum in Leadership has fan several division in forced union called Nigeria

One of the Minister in Buhari's Cabinet Isa Patami has been Linked to a dangerous Terrorist group and is being shielded by Buhari to the chagrin of Many Observers of the insecurity in Nigeria,

There has been several groups opting out of the former British colony as the country was founded without the consent of the Nigerian People and there was no agreement whatsoever for a Joint existent. The Yoruba Nation in south west Nigeria, The Igbo of the South East and the Middle Belt are recently loud on their exit from the undocumented amalgamation of 1914.

The Constitution drafted by the Military has been flawed as the conspiracy of selected few who benefitted from the Fraud and are stealing the resources of the Nation since independence from Britain

Nigeria is at the Precipices and the Notorious “Presidency” has come out to confess that through his aide that his orders are being flouted

Buhari lives in the tyrannical Past and hoped to order people around without leadership diplomacy, His style of administration has been by decrees, and he does not understand Democratic system of government

His styles is no longer relevant for the generation of Nigerian who despites his orders are unrelenting to be free from Tyranny imposed by an archaic Voiceless Dictator of Nigeria

Drone Image :What the North did to South West

The Ruin
Drone Image 

Baba Ijesha: Let us go to Court, Baba Ijesha ready to speak up


Baba Ijesha

As facts are emerging on the allegations of Molestation levelled on James Olanrewanju Omiyinka Alias Baba Ijesha, The comedian is requesting to be charged to court. 

 unsubstantial rumors claimed that a disaffection between Damilola Adekoya known as Princess  and Baba Ijesha led to the recent CCTV ploy and that the said 14 Years old victim was actually older than the age claimed by Princess. 

Baba ijesha was in a previous video released to the public seen pleading for leniency hoping that princess would conceal  the  matter based on their affinity but his plea was ignored to what has now become a public ridicule of his person, the publicity has prompted Baba Ijesha to relate his own side of the story which was not known to the media, 

Baba Ijesha & Princess

Princess whose marriage to Jeremiah Adeshola  had crashed  within weeks, got intimate with Baba Ijesha with hopes as Baba Ijesha was also in a marital dilemma which was no secret to Princess 

The duo allegedly in a seeming affianced closeness was the reason for the Liberty in Princess Home, since there were other ladies in princess home, Baba Ijesha took interest in the mystery minor and was said to have be more interested in the younger lady than for Princess 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Nigeria: Referendum or the unavoidable Civil war

 Nigeria will sure Break up. The Yoruba People has been at the forefront of resisting all forms of oppression and injustices, They were the first to attain Education that liberated the masses from the claws of the colonialist, Once some of the Yoruba sons returned from Britain where they had gone to attain scholastic knowledge, they began to question the colonial masters on the rights of citizens and the freedom from slavery, these agitation birthed what was then referred to as independence, which in actual reality was a transfer of Power to the religiously Fanaticized unprogressive North, where Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was appointed as the first Prime Minister in an undocumented union of multi-ethnic diversity forced together By Colonial masters in 1914 for the ease of their control

The Yoruba People being the progressive literate mind and accommodating, extended education to the other parts of Nigeria and was on a mission to liberate the backward North from their archaic practices, the Arabian invasion from the North have had a greater influence on the North bordered by Chad, Niger and and Sudan on the Chadian Border. these were largely cattle rustlers who had no resources

The Educated Yoruba People travelled to the North and established schools from the resources in the South and advocated Education to liberate the minds of the Northerners, immediately after the "Independence" from Britain, Chief Obafemi Awolowo had the vision to educate every region The North specifically rebuffed and insist on the barbaric ways with a few who were not really North (Plateau) accepting Education

The Backwardness of the North has been a Major setback to the people resident in the Geographical entity called Nigeria, The interest of the Yoruba people in Education was to a large extent the reason for which many of the Yoruba people were never interested in the Military and the North took advantage of this and have consequently populated the Nigerian Army with only Northerner who are mostly illiterates who have no regards for Law and rights of citizens

Over the Years, the manner of employment and appointment into the Army has been by Nepotism and the well educated are deprived opportunity in position of Power, the abject and simpletons are hired by the North into position requiring strategy and influence

these has lingered for so long and since the Military incursion and the reigns of tyrants like Babangida, Buhari, Abacha, Abdusalami, Obasanjo, the only exception was Murtala Moharmad who was killed.

These injustices led Gideon Okar to stage one of the many coup to separate the Country from the backward North, he was Killed by Babangida who Fled the Military Hideout in Lagos and relocated to Abuja to make secession seemingly impossible

The weaponry was moved to Jaaji, though No weapon can come into the Larger Nigeria without passing through Lagos except through the Fanaticized border in the North, All weapons are moved by Night from Central ordinance Nigerian Army to Kaduna where the Fulani Military transport artillery to the south with which they were recently killing people in the Eastern Part of the country

The Northern part of the country is now invaded by the Fulani and the former Hausa dwellers have been emasculated through successive threat and subjugation by the migrant Fulani whose sole aim is to maim, rape, subjugate and kill their Host

The Current President of Nigeria who was the military dictator ousted by another dictator Buhari has shown sympathy to these killers and given terrorist a full fledge support as the Minister of Communication is a known Terrorist and several others Like Sheik Gunmi who has been the middle man between dangerous Murderers al-Qaida and imposing himself on the seemingly conquered people of Nigeria who are ruled without their will

The country is currently on auto-pilot as no responsible Leadership, even the Presidential spokesperson Garba Sheu in recent times has threatened that killing will continue until a governor of Benue is subdued to the terrorist agenda of Buhari

There has been several agitation from all the regions of the country and the tyrannical government has turned a deaf ears, but same government is seen negotiating with terrorist through their intermediary Sheik Gunmi who recently requested 100 Million from from the Central Bank of Nigeria to pacify Terrorist as they kill agitators in the South eastern and south western part of the Geographical entity

There is no doubt that Nigeria is heading towards a civil war if a referendum is not quickly done as many of the people within Nigeria are tired of being ruled by Buffoons both as President or as Governors and as ministers and senators as is the case presently

The Yoruba people have declared their exit "We fought colonial masters when Fulani wanted perpetual slavery, We sent the Colonial masters out, we ejected Babangida from Lagos because we are unconquerable, Babangia escaped from Dodan Barracks to Abuja and the Fulani started taking weapon from Lagos to Kaduna in preparation of a war with the South, dismissed southerner from the Army and consistently clandestinely turned the military to a tribal militia that kills other tribe. appoints only Fulani in government , post Fulani police to the South and made the government merely of a tribe in a multi-tribal geographical entity. Nigeria is over and we will stop this injustice.